
Yuri Song

EDIT 5100 Portfolio



DIY Activity: Button Book


QR Codes


QR Codes Lesson Plan

ITunes U & Web-Based Enhancements

Apps for the Classroom


Assistive Technology Overview

Universal Design for Learning

YouTube Captioning

PowerPoint Accessibility and Activity Sequence

DIY Duct Tape Pencil Grip PowerPoint


Manipulatives- 3D Printing and Sourcing

3D printing could enhance learning significantly in math classes.  I say this from personal experience because taking math in high school, especially calculus, was always really hard for me.  I had a difficult time imagining the shapes and graphs that were drawn on my paper, and it would have been extremely helpful if I could have seen the shapes in real life.  I recently watched a video of 3D printed manipulatives that were being used in math classes, and it really made sense to me.  The shapes showed what the equations were used to find, and how math related to real life.

Image result for math class 3d printing manipulatives Image result for math class 3d printing manipulatives

I wasn’t able to find any free 3D printing locations, but I was able to find one near my house.  It is called Creative Manufacturing and the Yelp page showed a couple cool 3D prints that were made at the shop.

DIY Culture

Head Mouse: Using head movements to control the mouse on the computer

Communication Board: To make communication easier by pointing out letters and numbers to get your message across

Dining Device Arm Sling: Making it easier to use utensils to eat, by tying it to a stretchy band that goes across one’s shoulder

Assistive Phone Case: Attaching a handle on the back of your phone to make it easier to hold/stand up

Pen Holder: Attaching a holding tool around a pen/marker for those who have a hard time gripping them alone

From this list, I would want to make a tutorial of the device arm sling, just because I think it can be helpful for not only eating, but also for writing and other things.  Aside from this list, I would like to make an assistive technology tutorial to make a book holder.  It would hold up books and textbooks, with an attached magnifying glass.

Image result for book holder

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