3D printing could enhance learning significantly in math classes.  I say this from personal experience because taking math in high school, especially calculus, was always really hard for me.  I had a difficult time imagining the shapes and graphs that were drawn on my paper, and it would have been extremely helpful if I could have seen the shapes in real life.  I recently watched a video of 3D printed manipulatives that were being used in math classes, and it really made sense to me.  The shapes showed what the equations were used to find, and how math related to real life.

Image result for math class 3d printing manipulatives Image result for math class 3d printing manipulatives

I wasn’t able to find any free 3D printing locations, but I was able to find one near my house.  It is called Creative Manufacturing and the Yelp page showed a couple cool 3D prints that were made at the shop.