Head Mouse: Using head movements to control the mouse on the computer

Communication Board: To make communication easier by pointing out letters and numbers to get your message across

Dining Device Arm Sling: Making it easier to use utensils to eat, by tying it to a stretchy band that goes across one’s shoulder

Assistive Phone Case: Attaching a handle on the back of your phone to make it easier to hold/stand up

Pen Holder: Attaching a holding tool around a pen/marker for those who have a hard time gripping them alone

From this list, I would want to make a tutorial of the device arm sling, just because I think it can be helpful for not only eating, but also for writing and other things.  Aside from this list, I would like to make an assistive technology tutorial to make a book holder.  It would hold up books and textbooks, with an attached magnifying glass.

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